Event Booking

Excellent Entertainment Group is your booking agency for Bands, Entertainers, Speakers and Comedians for private and public events in Northwest/Central Arkansas, Eastern Oklahoma, and  Worldwide.  Along with booking the entertainment, we have access to venues of all sizes from intimate wedding chapels to multi-thousand person concert halls.

Excellent Entertainment Group books the entertainment for corporate events, weddings, public concerts, private parties, special events, birthday parties, festivals, trade shows, and fundraisers.

We can handle the contracting of the entertainment, or act as the producer of the full event.

EEG will be happy to assist you in figuring out the best options for your event within your individual budget.

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Artist Management

Excellent Entertainment Group is a leader in the management and touring activities of performing artists.  We understand the challenge of providing outstanding talent to venues and organizations while offering artists a nurturing, career-building approach to management. EEG represents both emerging artists garnering attention and momentum, as well as more experienced acts already enjoying successful careers in the music and art industries.

Excellent Entertainment Group invites you to discover and explore our artists through our online portfolio.

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Equipment Rental

Excellent Entertainment Group is your one stop shop for the rental of all of your sound, staging, and lighting needs. We rent sound equipment, lighting equipment, video equipment,  laser light shows, stages,  AV equipment, and more. Delivery and setup services are available for Northwest/Central Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma.  Let EEG make your event look and sound amazing.

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